
オンライン英語スクール Englishbuds 管理人 Mommy Kayo です。










Happy 2020 to everyone!
New year, new us?.. I guess, not really.

But the arrival of a new year always gives me the opportunity to “look back” to see how far I have come, and “look down” to see how far down I was pulled up…
Some people like setting resolutions every New Year.
How about you, have you thought about your resolutions for 2020 yet?

The things I want to achieve in 2020 are somewhat big and daunting (I don’t want to put pressure on myself, though).
This year, I want to do more for my family, my friends, for Englishbuds, and for my students.
And this year, I wish everyone to be HAPPY.

But, HOW?

Let’s start by avoiding comparing ourselves to others, their accomplishments, the respect and attention they get, and their apparently perfect lives.

Let’s stop expecting and finding the worst in people around us, and let’s stop ourselves from spiraling into negative thoughts.

Start surrounding yourselves with people who are enthusiatic and avoid those who only dampen your motivation.
Surround yourselves with those who will encourage you to achieve your goals.
Try not sweat on small stuff, and always remind yourself that it is okay to make mistakes (but make sure that you learn from them).

2019 had been very good to me.
Oh, well, it was at times, rough and heavy, but it was, all in all, a beautiful and colorful year.

I would like to thank you, Mommies, Daddies, my awesome students for making it extra special and memorable. You really never fail to make my day and cheer me up whenever I am feeling a bit low.

Thank you, Mommy Kayo for everything that you have done for us, and for being my tower of strength in times of trouble…
Thank you for paving a way to make my dreams come true.
Because of you, I met all these amazing members of Englishbuds. I am so sorry for being so forgetful and causing you headaches sometimes ( I do really give her headaches for being so forgetful).
Let us make the most of 2020 and let us achieve our goals for this year together!

Thank you, thank you to all of you!
Cheers to the New Year! Cheers to all that is and to all that will be!
May this year (and the coming years) be gentle and kind, and many shades of wonderful to all of us…
















にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 親子英語へ
