【講師コラム】マリア講師No.15~Revelations Unveiled: Teacher Maria’s Secret Symphony of Joy~

Englishbuds 管理人 MommyKayo です。






Revelations Unveiled: Teacher Maria’s Secret Symphony of Joy

Hello everyone! Teacher Maria here.
Today, I want to share a bit about the things that light up my world – dancing and singing. Since I was a little kid, I loved dancing. In elementary school, I was always that kid leading the class in dance moves and performing on stage. It was like my own little world where I could let loose and have fun.

Fast forward to high school – my friends, who are also good at dancing, and I decided to start a K-pop dance group. K-pop is pretty popular here in the Philippines. We didn’t join any competitions or anything; we just loved dancing and performing. After school, we’d practice our hearts out, just because we enjoyed it so much. I discovered an ability to memorize dance steps simply by watching its video on YouTube. My friends and I used our own money to get fancy costumes for our performances, and my mom was super supportive. We became a staple in almost every school event (we were a pretty popular group, shy shy shy, haha).

Singing is another passion that’s stuck with me since forever. I even tried my luck in a few singing contests, and hey, sometimes I won! I listen to music a lot that I can even memorize K-pop songs without realizing it! Haha, and of course, dance along with them. Actually, I’ve also unintentionally memorized a Japanese song recently because I keep listening to it on repeat. I don’t even speak these languages, but music is a universal language, right? Dreams of becoming a K-pop idol? Absolutely! (I’m not even Korean! lol), but I still find so much happiness in doing what I love.

Even now as an adult, I often spend my free time doing K-pop dance covers and sharing them on social media. It’s a trend many people follow, and for me, it’s just about having a good time. My friends are always cheering me on, and I love that I can express myself through dance and song.

Thank you for reading this blog! I hope this little snippet of my story inspires you to embrace what brings you joy. Whether it’s dancing, singing, or something entirely different, let the rhythm of your passions guide you. Life is too short not to revel in the joy of doing what you love.











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