【講師コラム】メル講師No.15~“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of an ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” -Mahatma Gandhi~

Englishbuds 管理人 MommyKayo です。

















~“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of an ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” -Mahatma Gandhi~

Happy, happy Friday, dearest Mommies and Daddies!!! Are you all doing okay?.. I really hope so… And although I cannot always send you messages, you all are always in my prayers… By the way, do you also like that quote I wrote above from Mahatma Gandhi?.. I personally love it soooooo much… Recently, I have been seeing a lot of posts and comments online about how some have lost their faith in humanity… How some are using this pandemic just to get more money, and take advantage of those are desperate and in need… Such things honestly make me feel bad… But these beautiful words of Gandhi are my constant reminder that we, humans, are naturally born beautiful and great… This always reminds me that there are more people in this world who value life and always make ways to make circumstances better for others… I still believe that no matter how bad things might sometimes seem, there is so much good in this world. Kindness and positivity are contagious… So, I hope that no matter how ugly things get around us, we would always choose to be kind and positive…
Anyway, let us move on to the topic for instructors’ blog entry. This time I am going to talk about GROUP LESSONS… I have facilitated numerous group lessons already… And as many of you already know, I am regularly having MINECRAFT and AMONG US group lessons every Friday and Saturday… Also, every last Saturday of the month, I have a group lesson for very young learners where we do arts and craft, make some easy to prepare but yummy foods and other fun stuff. I also host a group lesson for students who enjoy doing presentations about different fun and interesting topics, and family cooking group lesson where moms and their kids teach me how to cook delectable Japanese dishes while enjoying chatting together… Doing group lessons can be tough sometimes, but it is also utterly entertaining and satisfying… Moreover, I always learn new things from these group lessons (and that is something priceless)…
Letting our children participate group lessons can be very helpful in developing their confidence in speaking in front of others. This can also be a great way to improve their communication skills and make new friends… I don’t like holding group lessons with a very formal and serious atmosphere, I like having them in a very friendly and relaxed way to encourage them to speak more comfortably… I really don’t mind them making slips with their grammar or pronunciation from time to time, I just really, really want them to enjoy and be more confident while playing or expressing their thoughts in English…
Would I want to have more group lessons in the future? My answer is a BIG YES!!! I would like to explore more themes for our future group lessons… Aha!!! Origami folding!!! I super, duper love making things with origami papers… I actually have this big box full of different kinds of stuff that I made with my incredible students using origami papers… I love keeping them all, it does not matter if some of them are not done nicely… I am keeping them because I made them with my lovely English buds… Also, I would like to have story telling and parents group lessons… I really want to have more interactions with the parents of our students… I would love to exchange thoughts and ideas with them, and help them with some of their worries regarding their children’s English education… Hmnn… I really hope I have these types of group lessons someday…
Thank you soooooooooooo very much again for taking time to read my long entry, Mommies and Daddies… Thank you for all your trust and patience… Thank you for your continuous support to Englishbuds… Mommy Kayo, thank you always for being there and for your hard work…
See you in my next entry, Mommies and Daddies… Take good care and stay safe, please… This world may be full of chaos and uncertainties these days, but I know that one day, life will be gentle again… And the world will be friendly with us, humans, again… <3 <3 <3
























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