【講師コラム】メル講師No.16~Be a mirror!~

Englishbuds 管理人 MommyKayo です。





Be a mirror !

“The way you see your child is the way your child sees herself. Be a mirror that reflects how wonderful, beautiful and amazing she is. And when she feels loved, respected and accepted the way she is, she learns to love, respect and accept herself as well.” ~ Shirin Purnell

Happy Friday again, dearest Mommies and Daddies!!! Are you all having an amazing week? I really hope so… It’s November already… Christmas is coming soon and then the New Year… WOW!!! When did all the days of this year go?! I honestly did not notice how the first 10 months of 2021 went by… It is actually just the 4th of November now while I am writing my blog entry for Englishbuds… And…… IT IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! Can you guess how old I am now?… It’s a SECRET, hehehe!!! My age does not really bother me at all… You know what they say, “AGE IS JUST A NUMBER.”, I really think so, too… I seriously do not feel like I am getting older. I guess that is because I did not really change much from when I was in my younger years (of course I am talking about my behavior and attitude, habits, way of talking, interests and my extreme love for animals). I have always been so playful and dramatic in some ways… And I love to make the people I cherish laugh a lot… I have gotten wiser and cautious in some aspects of life, but I am pretty much the same old Mel; funny, dramatic, super clumsy, forgetful and adorable (hehehe). Hmnn… My son was asking me yesterday about my birthday wish. I was about to answer that I hope for all the stress in my life to go away. Then I thought, stress would always be there as long as we are alive, and it would only stop when you are already gone. I don’t want to leave this world yet, so I am welcoming you in my life, STRESS, hehehe!!! But not too much, please…

By the way, did you notice the quote that I included at the beginning of my entry?.. Lovely, isn’t it?.. When we become a parent, our children become our world… From the moment we lay our eyes on them, countless of wonderful thoughts hopes and dreams for our child automatically form into our minds… We all want the best for our precious little ones… So, we work really hard to give them all they need, and buy them the things they want (oh, well, not really all). As much as possible, we want to give them everything that would make them happy… It’s never ceases to amaze me how parenthood changes a person… It is amazing how it turns a person who is usually thinking about herself/himself into one of the most selfless people in the world… Anyway, I decided to include that quote in my entry to remind us, parents, that we play a VITAL PART in how our children see themselves… So, I hope that we would never forget to show and make them feel beautiful and precious… Don’t forget to let them know and feel that we respect their little voices and thoughts, that we love them unconditionally and they are perfect just the way they are… I know, I know, it is really tough to always do these things especially when they turn into little monsters when they get grumpy, hahaha!!! Ohhhhh… Being a parent really is hard… But there is nothing we cannot and won’t do for our little monsters, I mean angels, right?…
That would be all from me this time, Mommies and Daddies… Thank you soooooo very BIG for always taking time to read my entries… And thank you soooooooo much for all your trust all through these years… Thank you ALWAYS, Mommy Kayo…
I would like to leave you another awe-inspiring quote, dearest Mommies and Daddies… This is to remind us all that to be able to do all those things that we would love to do for our children, we need to take utmost care of ourselves first…
“ Being a parent is the best reason you’ll ever have to take care of yourself.”













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