Review and Introduction to Intermediate Concepts in Scratch a. Quick recap of what we’ve learned so far. b. Introduction to advanced concepts such as variables and loops c. Discuss the importance of these concepts in creating more fun games.
2024.9.4 (Wed) 19:00~19:50
Exploring Intermediate Concepts of Variables and Loops a. How to create and use variables to make intermediate level games b. Fun Activity: Create a game using variables and loops.
2024.9.11 (Wed) 19:00~19:50
Game Making: Gem Collector Adventure a. Make a game called Gem Collector Adventure using the concepts on Variables and Loops.
2024.9.18 (Wed) 19:00~19:50
Exploring Intermediate Concepts of Conditionals a. How to use if else blocks to create decision-making programs. b. Fun activity: Create a program with a branching storyline using conditional statements.
2024.10.2 (Wed) 19:00~19:50
Game Making: Exploring the Forest a. Make a game called Gem Collector Adventure using the concepts on Variables and Loops.
2024.10.9 (Wed) 19:00~19:50
Introduction to Pen Extension a. What is the Pen extension and how can it be used in Scratch? b. Exploring drawing and animation with the Pen extension c. Fun activity: Create a drawing program or a simple animation using the Pen extension.
2024.10.16 (Wed) 19:00~19:50
Collaborative Project Day a. Students work in pairs to brainstorm and create a collaborative Scratch project. b. Encourage creativity and teamwork in designing projects. c. Fun activity: Create a fun game project with your partners.
2024.10.23 (Wed) 19:00~19:50
Collaborative Project Day: Part II a. Continue working and creating the collaborative game in Scratch.
2024.11.6 (Wed) 19:00~19:50
Game Development: Adventure Runner a. Create a game where the player controls a character navigating through an obstacle course.
2024.11.13 (Wed) 19:00~19:50
Final Project Showcase: Game Party a. Students present their game projects in class. b. Celebrate and play the games created by the members.