【募集】2025年冬グループレッスン マイクラ教育版クラス
Englishbuds 管理人 MommyKayo です。
Minecraft Ville
ローマーが作成したオリジナルワールドでの冒険に参加しよう!このクラスでは、Minecraft Villeの世界を探索しながら、魅力的な課題に挑戦します。Minecraft Environmentワークブックを使って問題を解き、正解するとローマーからエメラルドがもらえます。そのエメラルドを使って必要な素材と交換し、夢の建造物を作りましょう。Minecraftのスキルを高めるだけでなく、環境に関する知識も深めることができます。一緒に街を完成させながら、持続可能性とチームワークを学びましょう!
Minecraft Science & Environmentを使い、
Minecraft Ville Science & Environment
■ご用意いただくもの: Minecraft教育版
※Englishbuds マイクラ教育版アカウント所有の方のみお申込みいただけます。
Day1 | Life Cycles(1): Deep in the Mangroves | 2025.1.9(Thu) 20:00~20:50 |
Day2 | Life Cycles(2): Deep in the Mangroves | 2025.1.16(Thu) 20:00~20:50 |
Day3 | Plants(1): Frozen Frontier | 2025.1.23(Thu) 20:00~20:50 |
Day4 | Plants(2): Frozen Frontier | 2025.1.30(Thu) 20:00~20:50 |
Day5 | Ecosystems(1) Corals in Crisis | 2025.2.6(Thu) 20:00~20:50 |
Day6 | Ecosystems(2) Corals in Crisis | 2025.2.13(Thu) 20:00~20:50 |
Day7 | Ecosystems(3) Corals in Crisis | 2025.2.20(Thu) 20:00~20:50 |
Day8 | Renewable Energy(1) Fossil Fuels Fiasco | 2025.2.27(Thu) 20:00~20:50 |
Day9 | Renewable Energy(2) Fossil Fuels Fiasco | 2025.3.6(Thu) 20:00~20:50 |
Day10 | Renewable Energy(3) Fossil Fuels Fiasco | 2025.3.13(Thu) 20:00~20:50 |
Minecraft Ville Science & Environmentのお申し込みはこちらから♪
Minecraft Science Lab: Adventures in Discovery
アダムと一緒に、Minecraft Education Editionを使って科学の世界を冒険しよう!今回は前回とは異なるワールドを使用し、人気の宇宙ワールドも含まれています。科学的なテーマを探求し、実験や発見を楽しみながらMinecraftのスキルも向上させることができます。このクラスは、学びと遊びが融合した新たな体験を提供します。
Minecraft Science Lab: Adventures in Discovery
■ご用意いただくもの: Minecraft教育版
※Englishbuds マイクラ教育版アカウント所有の方のみお申込みいただけます。
Day1 | Solar Model(1) | 2025.1.12(Sun) 20:00~20:50 |
Day2 | Solar Model(2) | 2025.1.19(Sun) 20:00~20:50 |
Day3 | Build a Mars Rover(1) | 2025.1.26(Sun) 20:00~20:50 |
Day4 | Build a Mars Rover(2) | 2025.2.2(Sun) 20:00~20:50 |
Day5 | Science Island(1) | 2025.2.9(Sun) 20:00~20:50 |
Day6 | Science Island(2) | 2025.2.16(Sun) 20:00~20:50 |
Day7 | Element Scavenger Hunt(1) | 2025.2.23(Sun) 20:00~20:50 |
Day8 | Element Scavenger Hunt(2) | 2025.3.2(Sun) 20:00~20:50 |
Day9 | What Is the World Made Of?(1) | 2025.3.9(Sun) 20:00~20:50 |
Day10 | What Is the World Made Of?(2) | 2025.3.16(Sun) 20:00~20:50 |
Minecraft Science Lab: Adventures in Discoveryのお申し込みはこちらから♪
Legends of the Samurai: Castle Architects
歴史マニアのためのユニークなクラスに参加しよう!戦国時代のお城を作りながら、他の歴史好きの仲間と興味深い歴史談義を楽しみます。このセッションでは、あなたがエキスパート – アダムは、あなたが知識を披露してくれるのを楽しみにしています。建築の詳細から歴史的な逸話まで、歴史への情熱を存分に発揮するチャンスです。壮大な物語にふさわしい城を一緒に作りましょう!
この企画成功したら、次は忠臣蔵とかにしようw 吉良邸作って最後討ち入りしたい。
Legends of the Samurai: Castle Architects
■ご用意いただくもの: Minecraft教育版
※Englishbuds マイクラ教育版アカウント所有の方のみお申込みいただけます。
Day1 | Who is your favorite samurai warlord? ・Students introduce their favorite samurai warlord and why they admire them. | 2025.1.13(Mon) 20:00~20:50 |
Day2 | The Story of Oda Nobunaga: The Ambitious Visionary ・Discuss Oda Nobunaga’s revolutionary strategies and his role in unifying Japan. | 2025.1.20(Mon) 20:00~20:50 |
Day3 | The Rise of Toyotomi Hideyoshi: From Peasant to Power ・Explore Hideyoshi’s journey and his impact on Japan, including his construction of Osaka Castle. | 2025.1.27(Mon) 20:00~20:50 |
Day4 | Tokugawa Ieyasu: The Strategic Shogun ・Delve into Ieyasu’s life, his strategic mind, and the establishment of the Tokugawa shogunate. | 2025.2.3(Mon) 20:00~20:50 |
Day5 | The Legendary Date Masamune: The One-Eyed Dragon ・Learn about Date Masamune’s life, his resilience, and his contributions to Japanese history. | 2025.2.10(Mon) 20:00~20:50 |
Day6 | The Battle of Sekigahara: Strategies and Alliances ・Analyze the pivotal battle and its influence on Japan’s history. | 2025.2.17(Mon) 20:00~20:50 |
Day7 | Women of the Sengoku Era: Stories of Strength and Strategy ・Highlight key women in the Sengoku period, such as Nene, Chacha, or Gracia Hosokawa. | 2025.3.3(Mon) 20:00~20:50 |
Day8 | The Feats of Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin ・Explore the rivalry between these two iconic warlords and their legendary battles. | 2025.3.10(Mon) 20:00~20:50 |
Day9 | The World of Ninjas: The Hattori Clan and Beyond ・Dive into the mysterious world of ninjas, focusing on the legendary Hattori Clan and their role in the Sengoku era. | 2025.3.17(Mon) 20:00~20:50 |
Day10 | Showcase and Reflection ・Students present their favorite episodes and discuss what they’ve learned about the samurai and their era. | 2025.3.24(Mon) 20:00~20:50 |
Legends of the Samurai: Castle Architectsのお申し込みはこちらから♪
Minecraft Empathy Writers
このクラスでは、Social Emotionalという特別なワールドを使いながら、感情や気持ちを表現するスキルを育てます。
Minecraft Empathy Writers: Building Social-Emotional Skills through Writing
■ご用意いただくもの: Minecraft教育版
※Englishbuds マイクラ教育版アカウント所有の方のみお申込みいただけます。
Day1 | Understanding Emotions • Introduce Topic: Explore different emotions (joy, sadness, anger, fear, etc.) and how to recognize them. • Writing Activity: Write about a time you felt a strong emotion. What happened, and how did you handle it? • Minecraft Activity: Build a “Mood Mansion” where each room represents an emotion, and students add signs or designs to describe how that emotion feels. | 2025.1.14(Tue) 18:00~18:50 |
Day2 | Self-Awareness • Introduce Topic: Discuss self-awareness, focusing on personal strengths, weaknesses, and unique qualities. • Writing Activity: Create a “Who Am I?” journal page listing your strengths, favorite activities, and something you’d like to improve. • Minecraft Activity: Build a “Me Island” showcasing personal interests and talents with structures, signs, and decorations. | 2025.1.21(Tue) 18:00~18:50 |
Day3 | Empathy • Introduce Topic: Understand empathy and how to connect with others’ feelings. • Writing Activity: Write about a time you helped someone who was feeling sad or upset. How did it make them feel? • Minecraft Activity: Role-play scenarios where students help villagers or friends in need (e.g., fixing a house or sharing resources). | 2025.1.28(Tue) 18:00~18:50 |
Day4 | Friendship and Teamwork • Introduce Topic: Explore what makes a good friend and how to work well with others. • Writing Activity: Write about a time you worked with a friend or a team. What went well, and what could have been better? • Minecraft Activity: Collaboratively build a “Friendship Fortress” symbolizing qualities like kindness, trust, and teamwork. | 2025.2.4(Tue) 18:00~18:50 |
Day5 | Conflict Resolution • Introduce Topic: Learn ways to solve disagreements peacefully and fairly. • Writing Activity: Write about a conflict you had and how it was resolved. • Minecraft Activity: Role-play conflict scenarios in Minecraft (e.g., sharing resources) and practice using peaceful solutions. | 2025.2.11(Tue) 18:00~18:50 |
Day6 | Managing Stress • Introduce Topic: Discuss stress triggers and healthy coping strategies like mindfulness and deep breathing. • Writing Activity: List three things that help you relax when you’re feeling stressed. • Minecraft Activity: Build a “Calm Garden” with soothing features like waterfalls, flowers, and music blocks to create a peaceful environment. | 2025.2.18(Tue) 18:00~18:50 |
Day7 | Goal Setting • Introduce Topic: Learn how to set achievable goals and break them into smaller steps. • Writing Activity: Write about one goal you want to achieve and list the steps you’ll take to reach it. • Minecraft Activity: Plan and construct a “Goal Tower” where each level represents a milestone towards a larger goal. | 2025.2.25(Tue) 18:00~18:50 |
Day8 | Gratitude • Introduce Topic: Reflect on the importance of being thankful and expressing gratitude. • Writing Activity: Write a thank-you note to someone who has helped you recently. • Minecraft Activity: Build a “Gratitude Tree” and add signs or blocks with things or people you’re grateful for. | 2025.3.4(Tue) 18:00~18:50 |
Day9 | Problem Solving • Introduce Topic: Discuss strategies to approach and solve problems creatively and calmly. • Writing Activity: Write about a challenge you faced and how you solved it or brainstorm ideas for solving a current problem. • Minecraft Activity: Solve a Minecraft obstacle course or puzzle together, requiring teamwork and creativity. | 2025.3.11(Tue) 18:00~18:50 |
Day10 | Celebrating Growth • Introduce Topic: Reflect on personal growth and celebrate achievements. • Writing Activity: Write a letter to your future self about what you’ve learned and how you’ve grown in the past 10 days. • Minecraft Activity: Create a “Memory Museum” in Minecraft, where each student builds a display showcasing their favorite moments or lessons from the program. | 2025.3.18(Tue) 18:00~18:50 |
Minecraft Empathy Writersのお申し込みはこちらから♪
Minecraftの体験を次のレベルへ引き上げ、プログラミングの世界に飛び込みましょう!このクラスでは、Minecraft Education Edition内でMakeCodeを使ってユニークなコーディングプロジェクトを作成します。初心者からコーディング経験者まで、ハーヴィー先生の分かりやすく楽しい指導スタイルで、新たな可能性を解き放ちます。構築、自動化、そしてプログラミングを駆使して成功への道を切り開きながら、批判的思考や問題解決能力を向上させましょう。
Minecraft EduCodeMasters: Junior Programming Pros(1)
■ご用意いただくもの: Minecraft教育版
※Englishbuds マイクラ教育版アカウント所有の方のみお申込みいただけます。
Day1 | Introduction to the Agent i. Meet the Agent, a programmable AI companion in Minecraft. ii. Learn how to summon and control the Agent. iii. Learn the basic agent commands such as move forward, turn, backward, etc. | 2025.1.8(Wed) 18:00~18:50 |
Day2 | Agent Commands and Movements i. Explore the Agent’s skill in moving to different directions. ii. Teach the Agent to dig, place blocks, and interact with the environment. iii. Create a simple Agent- controlled patterns. | 2025.1.15(Wed) 18:00~18:50 |
Day3 | Having Fun with Simple Coding: Part 1 i. Flower Trail ii. Mega Jump iii. Suer Digger | 2025.1.22(Wed) 18:00~18:50 |
Day4 | Having Fun with Simple Coding: Part 2 i. Walk on Water ii. Fast Forward iii. Rainbow Beacon | 2025.1.29(Wed) 18:00~18:50 |
Day5 | Mobs and Codes i. Chicken Rain ii. Cats vs. Dogs iii. Rabbit Invasion iv. Bouncing Pigs | 2025.2.5(Wed) 18:00~18:50 |
Day6 | Bat Cave i. Dig a cave and fill it up with bats! | 2025.2.12(Wed) 18:00~18:50 |
Day7 | Zombie Pig i. Create a mini game that instantly transforms pigs into army of Zombie Pigmen to combat. ii. Survival game: Battle with Zombie Piglins. | 2025.2.19(Wed) 18:00~18:50 |
Day8 | Aquatic Fun: Build an Aquarium i. Build a nice and cozy aquarium for our marine friends. | 2025.2.26(Wed) 18:00~18:50 |
Day9 | Aquatic Fun 2: Fishing Day i. Code a fishing experience while enjoying underwater adventure. | 2025.3.5(Wed) 18:00~18:50 |
Day10 | Mini Games Creation: Spleef and Leap of Faith i. Code your own spleef arena in Minecraft and play with the other members. ii. Build your own tower using commands and try your leap of luck. | 2025.3.12(Wed) 18:00~18:50 |
Junior Programming Pros(1)
Minecraft EduCodeMasters: Junior Programming Pros(2)
■ご用意いただくもの: Minecraft教育版
※Englishbuds マイクラ教育版アカウント所有の方のみお申込みいただけます。
Day1 | Meet Your Minecraft Agent Again i. Get to know your Agent again ii. Code your Agent to move and break things iii. Program your Agent to build cool stuff | 2025.1.17(Fri) 18:00~18:50 |
Day2 | Become a City Planner i. Code a road network ii. Code a building iii. Code a row of houses | 2025.1.24(Fri) 18:00~18:50 |
Day3 | Build a Fun Park i. Program a fence for the park ii. Add a water fountain iii. Plant some colorful flowers | 2025.1.31(Fri) 18:00~18:50 |
Day4 | Build Your Own Zoo i. Code a cool zoo entrance ii. Layout paths around the zoo iii. Design animal enclosures | 2025.2.7(Fri) 18:00~18:50 |
Day5 | Harness the Wind i. Build a wind farm ii. Make the wind turbines spin iii. Program lights for the wind farm | 2025.2.14(Fri) 18:00~18:50 |
Day6 | Sea Turtle Adventures 1 i. Help the turtles find their way ii. Turn your agent to guide them | 2025.2.21(Fri) 18:00~18:50 |
Day7 | Sea Turtle Adventures 2 i. Clear a blocked pth ii. Clean up the beach to save the turtles | 2025.2.28(Fri) 18:00~18:50 |
Day8 | Polar Bear Rescue i. Find the lost Cub ii. Cross the great chasm iii. Help the cub reach higher ground | 2025.3.7(Fri) 18:00~18:50 |
Day9 | Gray Wolves i. Secure the chicken coup ii. Move the sheep to safety iii. Keep the wolves away from the flock iv. Clear the area | 2025.3.14(Fri) 18:00~18:50 |
Day10 | Running out of time: Dinosaur Run i. Senak past the dinosaurs ii. Navigate through the temple iii. Power up the gate to escape | 2024.3.21(Fri) 18:00~18:50 |
Junior Programming Pros(2)のお申し込みはこちらから♪
Minecraft EduCodeMasters: Junior Programming Pros(3)
■ご用意いただくもの: Minecraft教育版
※Englishbuds マイクラ教育版アカウント所有の方のみお申込みいただけます。
Day1 | Getting Started and Simple Intro Project Making Use code builder to build a simple billboard structure using blocks like stone or wood. Code the display to show a personalized welcome message using signs or text commands. Test and show the message to other students. | 2025.1.17(Fri) 20:00~20:50 |
Day2 | Shaping the Volcano Program the agent to build the volcano’s cone and surrounding terrain. Add decorative lava flows and volcanic rocks. | 2025.1.24(Fri) 20:00~20:50 |
Day3 | Coding the Eruption Create eruption effects using Redstone and command blocks. Add sound effects, particle commands, and refine the eruption process. | 2025.1.31(Fri) 20:00~20:50 |
Day4 | Constructing the Cannon Use the code builder to program the cannon’s structure using blast resistant materials such as obsidian. Code the placement of dispensers and Redstone components. Learn about TNT mechanics and safety precautions in Minecraft. | 2025.2.7(Fri) 20:00~20:50 |
Day5 | Firing the Cannon Make a code to load TNT into dispensers and activate them using Redstone. Add adjustable timing for the Redstone to control the cannon’s range. Test and refine the cannon’s functionality for precision and fun. | 2025.2.14(Fri) 20:00~20:50 |
Day6 | Building the Arena Use the code builder to construct the arena with a square shape layout. Spawn basic and hostile mobs in designated areas to prepare for combat challenges. | 2025.2.21(Fri) 20:00~20:50 |
Day7 | Programming the Battle Mechanics and Play Code waves of mobs to spawn dynamically based on player progress. Test the arena as a group and refine the mechanics for competitive fun. Play the game and have a friendly battle royale in class. | 2025.2.28(Fri) 20:00~20:50 |
Day8 | Build the Spleef Arena Use code builder to construct a multi-layered arena made of your desired blocks and other materials. Add outer walls to contain the game area and decorative elements like glowing floors or banners. | 2025.3.7(Fri) 20:00~20:50 |
Day9 | Coding the Explosive Mechanics Program the TNT blocks to detonate when stepped on, using Redstone and MakeCode logic. Test the arena with the group and refine for balance and fun. Play the game and have a TNT Explosive Challenge battle with other students. | 2025.3.14(Fri) 20:00~20:50 |
Day10 | Program the Earthquake Transformation Code an “earthquake” effect using Code Builder. Add a dramatic lava effect by coding lava to flow from newly formed cracks and craters. Test the activity as a group, exploring the transformed landscape and refining the program for exciting results. | 2025.3.21(Fri) 20:00~20:50 |
Junior Programming Pros(3)のお申し込みはこちらから♪
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