【講師コラム】マデル講師No.20~Must Try Filipino Delicacies That Every Would Surely Love~

Englishbuds 管理人 MommyKayo です。





Must Try Filipino Delicacies That Every Would Surely Love

Good day, Mommies and Daddies! How are you doing these days? Autumn season has come, right? It must be getting cooler day by day. It is really hot here in the Philippines almost everyday that I only go out after sunset.

Anyway, I was really excited when I received the message from Mommy Kayo about the topic for the instructors’ blog entries: my recommended Filipino food!!!

Filipinos are known for being big food lovers. No matter what the occasion is, and how big or small it is, loads of food are always present to complete any kind of gatherings.

Today, I would be sharing two mouth-watering Filipino food that my mom always prepares every time we are having a special celebration, our favorite CALDERETA AND KARE-KARE.

When asked about some Filipino food recommendation, Pinoys would instantly recommend the famous and flavorful ADOBO, SINIGANG, LETCHON, BULALO, and SISIG. But I would always choose to recommend caldereta and kare-kare.

Beef Kaldereta or Caldereta is a Filipino a bit spicy tomato-based beef stew loved by many Filipinos. This yummy dish is commonly served on holidays and special occasions but believe me, there is no need to wait for a special event to enjoy this classic Filipino dish.  

The recipe itself is simple, but it might require a bit longer cooking time until the meat becomes really tender, but I assure you it is quite worth the wait. The ingredients are also not all that difficult to find. You would basically only need tomato sauce and some veggies like carrots, bell peppers, and potatoes,  just like most tomato-based stews. Oh, I almost forgot about liver spread. This would make your caldereta much, much tastier.

It’s now time to introduce my ultimate favorite: KARE-KARE… It is literally one of the best foods in the world for me!!!

Kare Kare is a classic Filipino slow-cook stew, usually using oxtail and/or ox tripe and vegetables. What sets the dish off, however, is the addition of savory peanut gravy and annatto seeds. It is also usually served with shrimp paste to make up for the lacking saltiness in the stew itself.

While kare-kare’s exact origins are unclear, the dish may have been invented by the Moro people who were the indigenous inhabitants of the Philippines. According to another story, however, it was Indian soldiers who invented the dish after arriving in the Philippines on British ships. Not satisfied with the local cuisine, they accidentally invented kare-kare when trying to recreate Indian curry with local ingredients.

Sadly, although everyone in my family loves it, my mom rarely cooks kare-kare. My mom always says that it takes too much time to prepare and cook it T_T… I understand my mom though. She is literally one of the busiest people I know!

There are numerous delectable Filipino food that you can try when you visit here, or you can simply cook by yourself for your loved ones. But I really hope that you could all try CALDERETA and KARE-KARE.

That would be all from me this time, Mommies and Daddies! I hope that you had a fun time reading my entry. Thank you much for always supporting Englishbuds, and thank you, thank you for allowing your precious little ones to learn and enjoy English with me.

Till next time, Mommies and Daddies! Stay safe and happy!













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